Hello world!
For those not familiar with OSNAP!, we are a community of creative peeps centered around the animation industry.
OSNAP! stands for Open Studio Networking Animation Project (!) and our mission is to connect creative people together and provide help with completing projects.
The idea for OSNAP came out of my own challenges with finish my personal projects. That coupled with the fact that I know soooo many creative people in town who are often in that same situation. So naturally, I thought, why not pool our resources together and make things happen!
Of course we are all busy people and we don't have a ton of time to give but at the same time, we can all benefit from the input that others provide in terms of ideas, critiques, suggestions... and we can in turn provide some of the same back.
I look at OSNAP! as a form of work for trade or, you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours...
Most important, it's really all about community and getting to know each other and having reasons to get out of the house from time to time!
Welcome all!
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