Tuesday, March 6, 2012

What's happening all you fine folks :D

I would love to put a targeted learning session together, get a professional to teach it and see if we can learn something together.

What I need from you: Let me know what topic or thing you want to learn. rigging, storyboarding, lip sync, shot planning... And I'll work with you to narrow it down to something that we can make happen.

So, let me know what you're interested in and we will get this one rolling!

So far people are interested in:

 -creating realistic-looking dialogue in Flash! (I.e., syncing mouth, head, eye, and body movements, and looping them)
  -have a pro critique my work (2 requests so far.)
  -learn more about the acting side of animation, subtlety, gestures, the use of such in character animation, and the dos and don'ts.

Go ahead and chime in on this one to add your vote. I'm looking to get a group of 10 or so to make it worth everyone's time.


Friday, January 27, 2012

OSNAP for 2012

What's happening everyone!

I am excited to finally update this blog!

Last year O.S.N.A.P. had some great gatherings. We were able to help each other work out some kinks in our stories and we shared a lot of ideas, practices and stories with each other. Our meetings were fairly small and I'm happy that we have a decent group of people that are serious about moving their projects forward.

There have also been drink and draw meet ups, 2nd Saturday Sketching outings, a barbeque and other social gatherings. All of which were fun, especially when there was an impromptu fireworks display that was easily seen from my window as we were all hanging out, talking and chowing down!

So, it was good, but it was small.

This year I'm hoping to make our meet ups more productive. I'm thinking along the lines of specific topics with professionals who are experts in those specific areas to present and answer questions. I also want more focused story sessions, pitch meetings where people pitch their stories to the group to elicit help from others, and I want to help push at least one of those stories through production and help get it into festivals. On top of that, I'm looking into a wiki site that we can upload our animation info to. On the wiki I'd love to see people post their best practices, animation techniques, software insight, festival submissions... basically anything that we can share to help each other out.

I've heard from a number of you that the meeting times have been difficult to make so I'd like to switch it up more and make the meetings more accessible. Please voice your needs for scheduling whenever it comes up and I'll try and make the meet ups easier for you all to attend.

I've also been bad about asking for help and getting out there to really reach out to you for input, questions... The whole idea of O.S.N.A.P. is that we're helping each other and I've been too quiet over here. So, if anyone wants to help make this bigger and badder, please let me know. I can use help planning our meet ups, gathering info, setting up the wiki and so forth. To those of you who already have offered to help, lets talk and outline the details. I apologize for dragging my feet and I'd like to stop it. So, lets get together and make this thing POP this year!

I know we can accomplish a lot and I can't wait to get it under way.

When would y'all like to have the first meeting?

Hit me up :)


Friday, December 9, 2011

Rose City Animation Showcase

Hey Peeps!

It's a lot late but I wanted to let people know that Tomorrow, Sat. Dec 10th is the 3rd Annual Rose City Animation Showcase. It'll be at the Hollywood Theatre at 1PM. Visit rosecityanimation.org for details!

Monday, July 18, 2011


Hey everyone!

I wanted to thank those of you who came out to our most recent workshop. We had some great discussions to help move our stories forward and we talked about creativity. The general outline of the creativity discussion is below with resources listed at the bottom :)

Staying Creative in your Creative Process

Working on a project, what gets you bogged down?
I was reminded recently of the need for true self evaluation. I took the message seriously, I don't wish to fool myself any about any of my own issues. As I searched, it led me to thinking about creativity. What is it, what blocks it and what helps encourage it?
Fear, embarrassment, why there holding us back.
I can't lie, I let fear hold me back. I'm not really sure why, where it started or how I let it be a part of holding back my own progress. I don't always seem like it but I am pretty shy. Maybe there is a fear element to that, sometimes there definitely is. But I know, that if I just go out and talk to people/be social/leave my house... then I find that something positive usually results. So I have no idea why fear would cause me to hold back. So, I did some looking into the topic, especially related to creativity. I found some great stuff on good ol' Ted Talks! (see list of specific talks at the bottom.)

Here are some things I got out of these:
    Fear hinders trust, we worry about others reactions to our work, our ideas, our behavior...
    Trust allows us to play &
    Trust allows us to be creative

Play – There is Security and Comfort in true play. Have to be Free to take risks

Are there rules for creativity? Tim Brown suggests yes:
Playful Exploration, A.K.A. Experiment
    Play around with ideas
    Don't let an idea go right away
    Continue to explore
Playful Building, A.K.A. Build/Make things
    Thinking with your hands
    Creating prototypes that help you get into the idea easier
Role play
    Act it out
    Be authentic and aware of the “role” you are playing
The “rules” can help build trust through working together.

Can failure work to our advantage?
Lets stop being afraid of failure.

What can failure do for us?
JK Rowling hit rock bottom sometime after college and says that it taught her more than she would have ever know about her self, her strength and her capabilities. It took fear out of the equation and allowed her to reach for her true dreams. She cautions us that the only way to avoid failure is to live life so cautiously that you fail be default.

Recommended Reading/Watching:
*Elizabeth Gilbert on nurturing creativity
*Malcolm McLaren: Authentic creativity vs. karaoke culture
*JK Rowling: The fringe benefits of failure
*Adora Svitak: What adults can learn from kids
*Tim Brown on creativity and play
and many others :)

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi – Do a google search, he is the expert on to psychology of creativity

Monday, June 27, 2011

Our first official meetup - Story Workshop

Hey hey,

I want to thank everyone that came out for the story workshop. I felt like we had a great little group and the discussions were quite helpful. Thanks to Temris Ridge who put together a great structure for us to dive into the heart of the story writing process. I felt very good with the way everything went and we are planning on continuing the story focus again for next month. I haven't locked down the space yet but we are looking at July 16th as our tentative date.

This is the beginning of a beautiful thing ya'll! I would love to hear your thoughts and comments, please feel free to share :)


Monday, June 13, 2011

Story Session!

Sat. June 25th, 11AM, The Art Institute of Portland, 1122 NW Davis St.

Hey everyone,

I want to let you all know about our plan for OSNAP! to help you develop your films :)

Some of you may have already heard me talking about my own challenges with creating my personal work. The short version is that I don't progress my work forward very quickly because I run into challenges around the parts of production that aren't my main area of focus. In other words, I feel pretty comfortable coming up with characters and animating them but I lack in story writing skillz and so forth...

I have heard similar things from some of you as well and when the idea was discussed with the ASIFA board we were all able to agree on a process. The process includes breaking up the areas of production into distinct sections of focus and having feedback and review sessions around them. We want you to join a session if you need help or if you are good at something (or both) so that we can get some great feedback and discussion out of it.

It's kind of like being in school and having critiques of your assignments, or hanging out with your friends and bouncing ideas off of each other, or sitting in the dailies and getting your work looked at by the director! It's hopefully going to be all of the above so come prepared to participate!

OK, details below.........

This month will be our first feedback session and we're focusing on story!

Join us at 11AM, Sat. June 25th at the Art Institute of Portland, 1122 NW Davis St.

Bring your stories and wear your feedback hat and come prepared to share :)
Be ready to listen and discuss and don't be afraid to get to know someone new!

I hope to see you all there!



Saturday, April 23, 2011

Welcome to OSNAP!

Hello world!
For those not familiar with OSNAP!, we are a community of creative peeps centered around the animation industry.
OSNAP! stands for Open Studio Networking Animation Project (!) and our mission is to connect creative people together and provide help with completing projects.
The idea for OSNAP came out of my own challenges with finish my personal projects. That coupled with the fact that I know soooo many creative people in town who are often in that same situation. So naturally, I thought, why not pool our resources together and make things happen!
Of course we are all busy people and we don't have a ton of time to give but at the same time, we can all benefit from the input that others provide in terms of ideas, critiques, suggestions... and we can in turn provide some of the same back.
I look at OSNAP! as a form of work for trade or, you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours...
Most important, it's really all about community and getting to know each other and having reasons to get out of the house from time to time!

Welcome all!