Monday, July 18, 2011


Hey everyone!

I wanted to thank those of you who came out to our most recent workshop. We had some great discussions to help move our stories forward and we talked about creativity. The general outline of the creativity discussion is below with resources listed at the bottom :)

Staying Creative in your Creative Process

Working on a project, what gets you bogged down?
I was reminded recently of the need for true self evaluation. I took the message seriously, I don't wish to fool myself any about any of my own issues. As I searched, it led me to thinking about creativity. What is it, what blocks it and what helps encourage it?
Fear, embarrassment, why there holding us back.
I can't lie, I let fear hold me back. I'm not really sure why, where it started or how I let it be a part of holding back my own progress. I don't always seem like it but I am pretty shy. Maybe there is a fear element to that, sometimes there definitely is. But I know, that if I just go out and talk to people/be social/leave my house... then I find that something positive usually results. So I have no idea why fear would cause me to hold back. So, I did some looking into the topic, especially related to creativity. I found some great stuff on good ol' Ted Talks! (see list of specific talks at the bottom.)

Here are some things I got out of these:
    Fear hinders trust, we worry about others reactions to our work, our ideas, our behavior...
    Trust allows us to play &
    Trust allows us to be creative

Play – There is Security and Comfort in true play. Have to be Free to take risks

Are there rules for creativity? Tim Brown suggests yes:
Playful Exploration, A.K.A. Experiment
    Play around with ideas
    Don't let an idea go right away
    Continue to explore
Playful Building, A.K.A. Build/Make things
    Thinking with your hands
    Creating prototypes that help you get into the idea easier
Role play
    Act it out
    Be authentic and aware of the “role” you are playing
The “rules” can help build trust through working together.

Can failure work to our advantage?
Lets stop being afraid of failure.

What can failure do for us?
JK Rowling hit rock bottom sometime after college and says that it taught her more than she would have ever know about her self, her strength and her capabilities. It took fear out of the equation and allowed her to reach for her true dreams. She cautions us that the only way to avoid failure is to live life so cautiously that you fail be default.

Recommended Reading/Watching:
*Elizabeth Gilbert on nurturing creativity
*Malcolm McLaren: Authentic creativity vs. karaoke culture
*JK Rowling: The fringe benefits of failure
*Adora Svitak: What adults can learn from kids
*Tim Brown on creativity and play
and many others :)

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi – Do a google search, he is the expert on to psychology of creativity

1 comment:

  1. Awesome notes! I will definitely watch these Ted Talks. Thanks Gary!
