Monday, June 27, 2011

Our first official meetup - Story Workshop

Hey hey,

I want to thank everyone that came out for the story workshop. I felt like we had a great little group and the discussions were quite helpful. Thanks to Temris Ridge who put together a great structure for us to dive into the heart of the story writing process. I felt very good with the way everything went and we are planning on continuing the story focus again for next month. I haven't locked down the space yet but we are looking at July 16th as our tentative date.

This is the beginning of a beautiful thing ya'll! I would love to hear your thoughts and comments, please feel free to share :)


Monday, June 13, 2011

Story Session!

Sat. June 25th, 11AM, The Art Institute of Portland, 1122 NW Davis St.

Hey everyone,

I want to let you all know about our plan for OSNAP! to help you develop your films :)

Some of you may have already heard me talking about my own challenges with creating my personal work. The short version is that I don't progress my work forward very quickly because I run into challenges around the parts of production that aren't my main area of focus. In other words, I feel pretty comfortable coming up with characters and animating them but I lack in story writing skillz and so forth...

I have heard similar things from some of you as well and when the idea was discussed with the ASIFA board we were all able to agree on a process. The process includes breaking up the areas of production into distinct sections of focus and having feedback and review sessions around them. We want you to join a session if you need help or if you are good at something (or both) so that we can get some great feedback and discussion out of it.

It's kind of like being in school and having critiques of your assignments, or hanging out with your friends and bouncing ideas off of each other, or sitting in the dailies and getting your work looked at by the director! It's hopefully going to be all of the above so come prepared to participate!

OK, details below.........

This month will be our first feedback session and we're focusing on story!

Join us at 11AM, Sat. June 25th at the Art Institute of Portland, 1122 NW Davis St.

Bring your stories and wear your feedback hat and come prepared to share :)
Be ready to listen and discuss and don't be afraid to get to know someone new!

I hope to see you all there!

